Department of Justice

In the U.S. Attorney’s press room at the federal courthouse in White Plains on Dec. 3, Preet Bharara kept saying no. Yes, Vinnie Leibell, the longtime state senator and Putnam County executive-elect, had just pled guilty to obstruction of justice and tax evasion charges. Leibell had sensed he might be under investigation in the spring, … Read more

Bloomberg Soda/Food Stamps Opponents Seeking Poverty Advocates And Minority Politicians To Head Pushback

bar purchases of soda with food stamp

Ask the American Beverage Association, the coalition of otherwise competing soft drink companies, how it is going to fight Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s proposal to bar purchases of soda with food stamps, and the answer is a hyperlink to a statement issued last week telling government to back off and stop targeting poor people. Also included: … Read more

The Sharpton-Barron Relationship Is Complicated


True, Rev. Al Sharpton has not endorsed Andrew Cuomo and hinted that he might support Charles Barron and the Freedom Party. There may be more than politics involved: Sharpton has told a few people that the nice thing about having an institutionalized Freedom Party is that it would get the black nationalists off his back. … Read more

Bloomberg Buys Lakefront House In New Hampshire

Bloomberg Buys Lakefront House

Mayor Michael Bloomberg has purchased a vacation home on the shores of Lake Winnipesaukee in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire, according to property records obtained by City Hall. Administration sources dismissed any significance to the mayor’s purchase of the 14-acre $11 million estates in the state that will cast the first votes for the 2012 presidential nomination. … Read more

Queens GOP Weighs Replacing Halloran With Paul Vallone In Race For Avella Seat

Queens GOP Weighs Replacing Halloran With Paul Vallone

In the week since the Queens Tribune published an article portraying Council candidate Dan Halloran as engaged in a cult-like form of heathenism, Queen Republicans have engaged in serious discussions about replacing their nominee in the race to succeed Council Member Tony Avella. Their choice to replace him is Paul Vallone, who finished third in the district’s recent Democratic … Read more

Carolyn Maloney swerves into the Senate race

Carolyn Maloney

There is Carolyn Maloney, after throwing her back out from unloading another candidate’s posters from a car, laying on the floor of campaign headquarters that election night with her feet in the air, calculating vote tallies in her head as the results of each machine arrive. There is Carolyn Maloney, so caught up in a … Read more